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The Therapy

Malignant Tumour - CANCER


Malignant tumour proliferation or cancer is a treacherous illness which attacks persons of a still younger age. Together with cardiovascular diseases, it is one of the most frequent death reasons both globally and in the Czech Republic. As for women, they mostly suffer from cancer of mamma, ovary and uterus , as for men, they most frequently suffer from cancer of large intestine, prostate, etc..

The immune system is set in such way as to recognize and liquidate foreign origin antigens and own attacked cells. Tumour cells occur at any man, however, the immune system is able to recognize and damage them.. In case of a tumour occurrence, this ability ceases. Multiplication of tumour cells beyond control and tumour occurrence are based on conditions not known in details, when the immune system cells do not react to tumour cells as to foreign cells, but tolerate them as appropriate body cells, do not attack against them, which results into a tumour process development..

The reasons for cancer occurrence are probably multi-factorial, containing, inter alias, hereditary factors, life style, stress, catering habits , smoking, alcohol, environment factors, etc.

Anybody notified of a diagnosis of a malignant tumour is shocked due to an idea of a nearing death. However, currently many tumours can be completely treated (leucaemia , lymphoma, tumours of pathogen tissues, etc..) or at least treated with a very good prognosis for survival.

Early diagnoses determination, when tumours can be operated or are not too much expanded, when a patient is still is a good physical condition and is able to pass through further adjuvant therapy ( cytostatic agents - chemotherapy, or radiation of the tumour - radiotherapy) - is very important. In case of a late diagnosis determination, possibilities of medical treatment and forecasts to the future are limited.

Unfortunately, in our clinic we often find already matured tumours of patients in examinations, when patient come because of some evidently not related problems such as pains in the back, cough, bad digestion, etc. A laboratory examination reveals a very serious health condition, and following aimed examination reveals a malignant tumour, frequently already in a matured status with metastases.

  • Current therapy of malignant tumours is mostly made by applying three essential procedures.
    • Operative removal of tumour - depending on a location, type and size of the tumour.
    • „chemotherapy" - or cytostatic treatment - aimed to damage tumour cells which are more sensitive to applied drugs than other cells of an attacked organism.(somatic cells)
    • "radiotherapy" - either radiation of tumour which cannot be operated or radiation following an operation aimed to removal of potential rests of tumour cells in the surrounding of tumour.

Each of these procedures includes particular indication spectre and restrictions when it either can be used or cannot be used.

Treatment by cytostatic agents (chemotherapy) is the worst unpleasant therapy which evokes most fear. This type of therapy has many adverse side- affects, since such drugs are commonly toxic and they should frequently be applied in high doses in order to be efficient. The higher toxicity for tumour cells and the less toxicity for other somatic cells, the more suitable a drug is for therapy. Unfortunately, most current cytostatic agents seriously damages appropriate organism cells, especially newly originating cells. A significant problem related to that therapy is suppression of immune system which is responsible for organism protection against infection as well as supervision of tumour cells finding and damage. Its liquidation often results into hazardous infection complications and recurrence of cancer. That is why during the recent years many physicans consider whether the cytostatic therapy (chemotherapy) is really the best potential possibility for liquidation of malignant tumours, since its adverse impacts often prevail a general success of the therapy. Other therapeutic procedures especially aimed to support anti-tumour immunity, or efforts aimed to block enzymatic systems of tumour metabolism, starting so-called programme escape of tumour cells (apoptosis), suppression of creation of new vessels in tumour (angiogenesis, etc.) are tried.

One of side-effects of the chemotherapy, as it was already mentioned, is a damage of immune system which is not able to react efficiently potential infections. That is why it is often impossible to complete the whole planned therapy by cytostatic agents - patient is completely exhausted, weak, there is a significant risk of other infectious illnesses which consequences could be, due to the mentioned facts, tragic.

That is why it is necessary for a patient , prior to the therapy starting (especially chemotherapy) to be in a best possible physical condition. Unfortunately, especially at old people who are most often attacked by tumour illnesses, the nutrition condition is usually very bad. The efficiency of metabolism is not so good as at the youth, intestine enzymes are not produced in sufficient quantity, so that nutrition substances are worse absorbed. A content of nutrition substances in current foods is also less than, for example, forty years ago. A content of pesticides, insecticides, various fertilizers and additives block the use ability of contained vitamins and other nutrients from foods. We also know that old people do not feel hungry so often and they do not eat sufficient quantity of foods as young healthy people. However, nutrition demands are still similar, only energy value is lower with respect to a reduced physical activity of old people.

It could be stated that, with respect to lower efficiency of metabolism of old people, it needs more nutrients. Most old people are in condition of malnutrition. Tumour diseases, therefore, find such people completely not prepared and unable to face efficiently such serious disease.Our workplace makes efforts to remove such adverse factors.

Detailed laboratory tests are made at patients both during the therapy and after its completion and they are monitored at our workplaces. In case of any suspicion for a tumour recidivation or occurrence of metastases, other measures are taken. The examinations are useful in order to eliminate later unpleasant surprise when a matured tumour or expanded metastases are revealed.

We have prepared a prevention programme of tumour disease occurrence for people of increased risk of cancer.